Archive for May, 2010

Trenchcoating at the Movies.

I have a bit of a dilemma. I want to see the new Sex and the City movie.  That may get me some grief in some quarters.  I’m as manly as the next guy, but I want to see how the lives of Carrie, Charlotte, Samantha, and Miranda have changed.  It also shows me that Darren Star creator behind SATC cares more about giving the fans what they want than that jackass David Chase, he of the turn out the lights Sopranos finale. (yes I’m still bitter about that half-ass ending. Now the finale of  The Wire– now THAT was an ending.)

Back to Sex-I used to watch the show on Sundays back when HBO was the Sunday destination. I would up collecting the seasons as I got them as promos at work. I wound up caring about the characters and conversing with buddies about their antics the same way we marvel at my boy Killer’s adventures.  Hopefully the AMC on 42 has it so I can fly in under the radar Thursday morning at the matinee. I really don’t want to have to sneak in like they did back in the day into the porn houses on that same street in a trench coat in hopes I won’t be recognized.

UPDATE : I decided to buy the bootleg after I heard this movie was two and a half hours.

“I see, said the blind man….”

So I ran into my friend Navares yesterday whilst strolling down Broadway. She had her twins in a stroller and they were too cute.  Especially because they were sleeping at the time. Anyway she remarked that the little girl looked like her and the little boy looked like his father. I looked at the girl, then I looked at Navares, them I looked at the girl again, then I looked at Naraves and I could not see any resemblance.

Now this disturbed me because I can usually see the resemblance on Maury, but not here in real life. I felt like a superhero that had been robbed of  one of his powers.

moan moan moan bitch bitch bitch

So yesterday I’m at C-town supermarket buying a couple of things and I get on the express line.  In front of me are a guy buying a quart of Ice Cream and a woman in front of him buying 30+ jars of baby food and formula.  I ask the guy quite loudly “This is the express line right?” The cashier looks up at me a gives me a look like I shit in her mouth or something.

“Sheez a mowther OK?” was the cashier’s reply (you read that right). I throw my hands up (the international sign of Hey, I don’t want any problems) and say “I’m just saying that (nodding at the jars of baby food) don’t look like 10 items. That’s all.” The customer in question then pulls out two WIC checks causing me to think we’re gonna be there all day. I look at the other lines and they’re too long for me to go jump on so I’ve got to grin and bear this.  Luckily I’m in the hood and the cashier has done this before and gets sugartits  (excuse me Tetas de azucar) out of there expeditiously.

I bring this up in my buddy’s car as we’re going out and another guy in the car remarks about how 30 jars of baby food are one item. I ask him how and replies you can buy 12 platanos for a dollar. I said “Yeah, but the cashier had to scan each jar of baby food. When have you ever seen a bar code on a platano?”

This went on all night.

Iron Man 2 revisited

Now that I’ve seen it I can honestly say it was good. I gave it a 3.75 out of 5. (if you want, round it off to 4, see if I care) Of course I have a couple of complaints but they’re minor and really don’t hurt the movie, but they bother my nitpicking ass.

First off – Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury. This is not the Nick Fury of my comic book childhood.

But rather a “reboot” of the character following along the recent “Ultimate”** comic storylines-

(**This is Marvel’s line of re-imagined characters giving their superheroes new looks and histories. This gives them the chance to rewrite storylines and make more money off merchandising. This version of Fury was created with Jackson’s blessing BTW after an earlier reboot)

Usually I whine like hell when they stray from the original characters history (What? The JOKER killed Batman’s parents? In what universe? Next you’ll be telling me that Aunt Esther and Fred were doing it on the down low when Lamont wasn’t home!) , but this I will go for. Now I like Samuel L Jackson I really do. BUT he doesn’t seem to be acting in this movie. It’s like he’s channeling his character from Pulp Fiction –

At least he tried to tone it down in the Star Wars Eps 1-3 (aka Darth Vader is a whiny bitch) . Still it’s a minor quibble and if they stop poontanging around and get this Avengers thing off the ground I’ll actually stop caring that he’s mailing it in.

Then again they could have gone with this guy as Nick Fury –

This is from the TV movie Nick Fury Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. If you didn't see it don't worry about it. Your life is for the better. Trust me.

And I’m tired of this after the credits nonsense. Just show the little epilogue after the movie ends. I don’t care who Mr Downey’s stand-in is or the key grip is or who the @#&%! transportation coordinator is. I’m sure they are all fine and wonderful people and deserve to have their roles in the production acknowledged.  But do I (and you) need to sit through it all in order to see the little tidbit teaser they dangle in front of us to whet our appetites for the next movie?

Iron Man 2

Neil Rosen of NY1 gives it 2 1/2 out of 4 apples.  I don’t have a lot of faith in Neil Rosen  but  I have to wait until Friday before I agree/disagree with him as I don’t have the patience to deal with the early fanboy Thursday night/Friday midnight showings.  I like going to the  early (10-11 am) movie showings. They tend to be quieter and you get a better selection of seats.  Mondays re good too.  However if you’re a couch potato like me, you tend to read too much into the hyped up publicity shown on various commercials and shows like Extra, Access Hollywood and figure out the plot.

I love it when a plan comes together

Saturday night I had the Mayweather-Mosely fight at my house.  Most of the people I invite (and the drop-ins who are not) act like they’ve been somewhere and others act like ghetto extras from the movie Friday (I’ll explain that part in a bit).

So a couple of days before the fight a few folks inquired about it and I told them in light of some past nonsense I was going to be strict about admittance/ payment this time. Usually what I do is pause the fight before the introductions count how many heads are there and divide the cost of the fight between everyone. Some guys act like they forgot their wallets or pull big bills out of their pockets like they’re P Diddy or something.  Some sneak in after the fight starts. Others claim they bought beers and therefore should not have to pay. One guy once  (here’s the Friday part) offered to pay his share in weed.

Being proactive I posted this outside my door Saturday night –

Needless to say everything went off without a hitch.

(** Lambon is Spanish for freeloader)