Archive for the ‘ Movies ’ Category

Glinda The Good Witch- Villain or Not? I can’t be the first to think about this.


Back before the days of Video and Cable, certain films you could only see once a year. Wizard of Oz was one of those. Every Thanksgiving it would come on along with the all day Godzilla fest. I was never a huge fan of the film, but was fascinated by others love of the film.

One day I was flipping the channel and I came across it on TBS. I started watching it and saw it through to the end. When that assclown Wizard hightails it out of Oz in a balloon, poor Dorothy is left to worry how she’ll get home. That’s when Glinda, the “good” witch tells her she could have left two hours ago.


Why did she wait so long? Cause Dorothy was an unwitting Patsy in Glinda’s scheme to take over Oz/Munchkinland. Here’s how:

Glinda, the “Good” Witch of the North wanted to run shit but was blocked by the Wicked Witch of The West and her sister the Wicked Witch of the East. (What happened to the Witch of the South we shall leave alone for now. That and inserting a picture of Paula Deen, TOO easy) She was outnumbered and probably because of some prohibition against Witch-on-Witch rubouts could not directly attack them. Enter Dorothy. When she and the house fell on Ms East in the midst of strong arming the Munchkins Glinda smelled an opportunity.

See that? Dorothy never coveted those shoes! Glinda put them on her. Dorothy was still dumbstruck over being able to see in color for the first time.

Anywho, after Ms West left Glinda sent her off to see her henchman, the “Wizard”. As it would take time for Dorothy to walk/dance/sing over there ,Glinda could shoot herself over there first to set the next part of her scheme in motion. Glinda flew there and told the “Wizard” to instruct her to get Ms West’s broom, knowing full well, it would have to be pried out of her cold dead hands.

Now suppose Dorothy had failed? Suppose Ms West had taken out Dorothy and gotten her sister’s Jordan’s back? Nothing could be traced back to Glinda. No harm no foul.  Very Hyman Roth like of her hmmm? Now once Dorothy inadvertently snuffs out Ms West (Who would have guessed she was allergic to water? I had no idea she drove a New York cab in the summer? Thank you! Try the veal!) She and her crew go back to the bullshit ass Wizard, who after being exposed as a fraud pays off the Tin Man** with some cheap ass heart shaped Dolce and Gabbana knock off watch, the Scarecrow with a diploma from ICDC college and the punk ass Lion with some medal he found at Goodwill.

But what about Dorothy? The Wizard at first offers to take her home in his balloon. But then I’ll bet he had some big ass debts and or warrants back in Kansas and if he showed back up in a balloon with an underaged girl he’d be violating the Mann Act and was not fucking with the feds. And seizing the opportunity to flee the yoke of Glinda, pretended to not have any control of said balloon and took off. Glinda’s crafty ass probably figured this out. She could have waved that wand and shot his ass right out of the sky. But to do so would have revealed her true nature. Now was not the moment to do so.

So she lets Dorothy know she’s had the means to return to her Sepia colored home all this time. Dorothy clicks her heels says the magic words and is gone. I’ll bet the heels stayed. And Glinda seized them and used their power to erect statues of herself all over the place and put the Munchkins to work in sweat shops creating designer knockoffs.

** like America sang “Oz never did give nothing to the Tin Man that he didn’t, didn’t already have”

Top 111 of all time – # 21 LeMans


I love this movie. I can’t tell you why exactly.  Sure its corny. Its a little dated, Its got some crappy dialogue and subplots, but I love it. My father took me to see it as a kid  like other favorites of mine. Josh Mankewicz on TCM said that on the set of The Magnificent Seven, McQueen and Director John Sturges came up with the idea of a racing movie. By 1970 McQueen was a huge star, one who could call the shots and Sturges and he had a parting of the ways over creative differences. He was not crazy about directing a racing film light on dialogue as LeMans was.

I like the back and forth between the Gulf Porsche and Ferrari teams which helps to create some tension and suspense.  The paparazzi peppering them with questions. The crash.  The track announcer pretty much narrates most of what’s going on seemingly without even trying. The travelogue beginning without any dialogue wont be mistaken for a classic by most, but it works for me.

There’s a little romance between Michael Delaney (McQueen) and Elsa Andersen’s character, Lisa Belgetti. She’s a widow who lost her husband in the previous year’s race in a crash involving Delaney. It seems a little forced, but there’s a little chemistry between the two.


Michel Legrand’s Golden Globe nominated score works well. The string filled end title always freezes me in my tracks.






Let’s all go to the lobby, Lets all go to the….HOW MUCH?


(Note: I started this one awhile ago -Oct 2013, and just never got around to finishing it off. I figured I should stop with the lazy “Writers block” bullshit and finish)

My love for the movies is eternal, but I’m afraid my love of movie theatres is not.

I went to see the travesty that is Iron Man 3  back in May and the theater I usually go to for matinée showings didn’t have it. So I had to go to the one across the street which charged full price. Full price being $14.00.

Let me say that again – FOURTEEN DOLLARS.

And they wonder why people are buying bootlegs and illegally downloading. (it’s bad enough I remember when the first Star Trek movie came out and we were all making a big deal out of the fact that they wanted 6.50 at the theater for it. For 6.50 now its either a soda OR popcorn! )

After the 14.00 charge I was afforded the opportunity to buy some refreshments (Speaking of which why do they always run an ad for the concession stand highlighting the  popcorn, soda, and candy? Like all of a sudden people are going to realize “OH NO! I forgot snacks! Stop the movie! I’ll be right back!”)  For $11.00 I could get a small bag of popcorn (which wouldn’t last through the armada of trailers before the movie) which I could season with some butter flavored motor oil and a medium soda.

I hate the fact that they push these “packages” on you.

Now a couple of theater chains have come out with rewards/loyalty programs to keep you coming back. What kills me is they have the nerve to charge you for it. The AMC “Stubs” program charges $12 a year to join. Spend $100 and you get $10 in “Stubs rewards” you can use to buy concessions.  Free upgrade to a larger size popcorn and soda each time you make a purchase AND this nonsense –


I don’t get it.  “Online ticket stub collection” ? But then again I list some of my favorites on my Facebook  page so it kind of makes sense.  (and yes I know I need to finish my top 111 of all time series)  I mean if really want to look at my ticket stub collection all I have to do is look at these  from my ‘Stub Cup”-


Not a Chick Flick in the bunch LOL

Now I really should put them in a book. If you’re gonna be a hoarder, be organized about it.

Anyway, back to my bitching.

Why pay such exorbitant prices when the DVD/Blu-Ray will cost about the same or if you’re only curious about the flick  it will be on cable within 6 months? It depends on how fervent a movie goer you are I suppose. And we all know SOMEBODY who uploads flicks via the net so there’s another reason people use to not go. “Dude I just uploaded the new Stallone/Kate Blanchet flick, you want a copy?”


Ben Affleck as BATMAN?

AFFLECKBATMANLet me put my two cents in here.

I’m not the biggest Ben Affleck fan. I was not crazy about him as Daredevil. Or Jack Ryan in Sum of all Fears.  (Alec Baldwin you dropped the ball on that Franchise)

However I liked him in Chasing Amy.

And The Town

And Mallrats.

I think he ought to get the benefit of the doubt here.  I was amongst the chorus of people who hated the idea of Daniel Craig as James Bond (” The guy from Layer Cake? You have to be joking?”-Me, 2004) And Michael Keaton as Batman.

And …….. write this down people……………

I was wrong. maybe finally Warner Bros is getting it right for a change.

Batman Superman movie director Zach Synder said ““Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne, “I can’t wait to work with him.” (Daily Variety)

He could always get the boot if he doesn’t work out.


This is only slighty more interesting than the movie

This is only slightly more interesting than the movie

I’m writing this having freshly seen the movie so I want to strike while the iron is hot. I’ve never failed to mention my geek-ass-fanboy-nitpicking at Super Hero movies straying from the original mythology of their respective series.

However I’ve learned to keep that in check as I realize they’re not tailored for me, but for mass audiences who might not know as much back story as I do. Even tailoring that urge, I still find IM3 comes up short.

I don’t want to give too much away. I must give Shane Black who directed this and co-wrote the screenplay props for trying. He tries to  humanize Tony Stark by reliving his Post Traumatic Stress about the epic battle in the  Avengers movie.  I would have liked a little more exposition in this sub plot. I couldn’t help but think if I was reading this in a comic I would have more sympathetic.

And there’s the 800 lb elephant in the room called the big plot twist which I cannot discuss here. It further led to my disappointment with IM3. It’s clever, but still a letdown.

I”m a big fan of gossip blogs and do enjoy Michael K’s daily blasts at Gwyneth  Paltrow’s pretentious musings on In spite of  my looking at her with a raised eyebrow now, she does an adequate job as Tony’s love interest. Don Cheadle is wasted as Lt. Colonel James ‘Rhodey’ Rhodes.  He might be rebranded as the Iron Patriot (I liked his previous name as War Machine better), but it’s still Robert Downey Jr’s task to save the day. I’ll leave it to you to decide on Guy Pearce and Ben Kingsley’s turns as villains Aldrich Killian and The Mandarin respectively. That should tell you something.

And if you do go be prepared to sit through TEN minutes of credits to see a little scene as they do in all Marvel movies now.

George Lucas: Hypocrite

Sorry Gang-I know I’ve been away but this job is kicking my ass. I know the blogasphere is over run with fanboys expressing their out rage about George Lucas’s re-re-re tinkering with their beloved Star Wars trilogy when it comes out on Blu-Ray.  Let me join the tar-and-feather party.

I found this on another blog -I Watch Stuff  ( and find it incredible the arrogance of this pompous ass who no longer cares what anyone else thinks. Kinda like David Chase, that Jackass who created and fucked up The Sopranos.  I was kinda upset about the whole Greedo-shoots-first-nonsense, but this takes the cake (Cue Melissa ONeal chiming in and recalling some hypocrisy of my own)

Read this article on Save Star Wars, I could not say it better myself.

Rodney Review: Captain America The First Avenger

As some of may know I always have a problem with Super Hero movies because they stray away from the comic book origins and the characters mythology/story history. Captain America The First Avenger is no exception. That being said I find most of  my nitpicking to be minor for the most part and did not really take away from my enjoying the movie. Sure most of it is standard and predictable, but it’s still a fun ride.

Chris Evans (Fantastic Four) portrays Steve Rogers a 98 lb weakling (the CGI putting Evans head on a skinny little body is impressive) who constantly gets turned down when trying to enlist in the service during WWII . His buddy Bucky Barnes (nitpicking point 1) enlists and before shipping overseas takes his 4F friend out for a night out on the town.  They go to a World’s Fair type exposition in Flushing Meadows park  with their dates when Steve spies a recruiting booth at the fair and tries to enlist once again.

As Bucky confronts Steve about this exercise in futility and possible crime (they keep harping about how illegal it is to try and enlist under false information) their exchange is overheard by Dr Erskine (Stanley Tucci , a fine actor and the best part of Undercover Blues. Go find it, trust me.)  Dr Erskine who we learn fled from the Nazis, likes Steve as a candidate for his Super Soldier experiment and stamps him 1A fit for duty.

Steve enters the service and joins the weeding out process for the prime Super Soldier candidate much to the chagrin of Tommy Lee Jones’s Army Colonel.  (All is forgiven for your portrayal of Two-Face Tommy).  As in the comics, Steve gets the formula and transforms into Captain America.

The movie version is pretty similar to this except for the tanning booth

I’m not gonna go over the whole flick but have to give Hugo Weaving props for his portrayal of the Red Skull, Hayley Atwell as Steve’s love interest Peggy Carter and in a surprise appearance for me, Toby Jones (Infamous where he played Truman Capote) as Dr Armin Zola.

I give it 3.75 out of 5 stars. Go see it. I can’t wait for this on video.

As always with these Avengers movies, make sure you stay through the credits.

And now for the nitpicking *SPOILER ALERT* Don’t read this part as it might spoil part of the movie for you.  Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah OK. Now that that’s over.

– When was Bucky the older and bigger of the two? Bucky was Cap’s mascot as Robin was Batman’s. That being said I actually approve of this rewriting of history. To include a young Bucky would have slowed the movie down and make it even longer.

–  I  do like the casting of Neil McDonough and Derek Luke as members of the Howling Commandos.  However this does create a nit to pick. (**WARNING big time geek fanboy speak coming up. You’ve been warned**) In the original comics The Howling Commandos were led by Nick Fury. A white Nick Fury for those of you who may not know this.

That don't look like Sam Jackson to me

But then the problem becomes how is it Nick Fury is still around when Captain America is thawed out of the ice?  When the Captain was reintroduced in 1964* Nick Fury was only 20 yrs removed from WWII. Even with the infinity formula that he was shot up with during and  after the war that slowed down the aging process, he still would be  close to 100 years old now.  I don’t know how willing movie audiences are willing to believe that. I know they have no problem with The Hulk character or a guy that flies and controls lightning but the comics crowd is a much more forgiving bunch. And since Paramount already ran with the Ultimates version of Nick Fury based on Samuel L Jackson in previous films why even go there?

* In the comics Captain America was frozen in a block of ice and worshiped by an Eskimo tribe. Prince Namor The Sub Mariner  (Think Aquaman with an attitude, Spock ears and wings on his ankles. A diva before his time ) sees this and goes berserk throwing Cap into the Ocean.  The Avengers happen upon his thawed out body in the ocean and revive him. In the movie agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. find him in a plane’s wreckage.

A real diva, this Namor

I just KNOW Kanye West has an outfit like this.

And since Prince Namor is one of the zillion or so Marvel Universe characters that have not made it to the big screen I completely get leaving him out. Although I do think Tom Cruise would make a great Namor.

And don’t get me started about Baron Zemo.


Why is this not on DVD?

It never ceased to amaze me during my years in Home Video, how studios would jump on any trend and capitalize on the minutest connection in order to market product. (Some years ago, I remarked to a friend of mine from Paramount about this. I said there was a recent example about that in a movie called Soultaker  starring Joe Estevez from the “amazing Martin Sheen Family!” “That’s one of ours!” She exclaimed.  ………………………………….. OK you had to be there to appreciate it, but I felt compelled to re-live that)

Anyway I was thinking about my growing dissatisfaction (thank you spell check) with President Obama when I happened upon a viewing of  Advise and Consent on Turner Classic Movies the other day. I started thinking about other political dramas I have enjoyed (It’s not all car chases, breasts, and bullets in my home library you know.) when I thought about The Man, a 1972 drama starring James Earl Jones as America’s first Black President, preceding Bill Clinton by 20 years.

I love the poster. You could put Obama’s pic on the right and replace the pictures of actors on the right with (in order)  Monica Crowley, Joe Biden, Sasha and/or Malia, and Hilary Clinton and no one would believe they didn’t say that. Well maybe not Hilary, if what Bill has said is true, she’s probably screaming at Chelsea “I want a grandchild! Do I have to come over and show you how to do it?! Or do I have to get one of your father’s whores to do it?”  (Sorry I was watching Fox news the other day.)

The President and Speaker of the House die in an accident in West Germany and the Vice President turns down the chance to take over citing that he is  too old and would not last long in the job. The next in line is the President pro tempore of the Senate, Douglas Dillman (James Earl Jones). The Secretary of State (William Windom) much to the dismay of his bitch wife doesn’t fight for it as he knows he has no way around the rules and figures Dillman will screw up anyway. You fans of the 70’s will see a lot of familiar faces in this -Martin Balsam, Burgess Meredith (the  Penguin in the TV version of Batman) chewing up the scenery as the bigoted southern senator if my memory serves correct, Robert DoQui (The Sergeant in RoboCop), and Georg Stanford Brown (The Rookies). Lew Ayres who played the Vice President in the aforementioned Advise and Consent, plays the elderly VP here. The Director, Joseph Sargent, also directed one of my all time favorites The Taking Of Pelham 1-2-3.

Now when you look up the credits, it says the movie was distributed by Paramount pictures and produced by ABC Circle Films and Lorimar Studios.  Which outlines the difficulties as I speak.

ABC Circle Films is now part of Disney, Lorimar is owned by Warner Brothers (who won’t put Freebie and the Bean on regular DVD but on their bootleg “Warner Brothers Archive” series  but yet put out CRAP like COPOUT with Bruce “How much? I’ll do it” Willis and Tracy “Somebody’s gonna get pregnant” Morgan.  Am I bitter about that? Just a little.), and add Paramount to the mix and you have a pissing match over the rights.  Unfortunately the way Hollywood works is conducive to such a thing so I’m not totally surprised its not available. I would have thought someone would have found a way to get this out by now.  What does surprise me is that I can’t find a good bootleg of this. Every bootleg selling clown on 125th st has The Spook who sat by the Door (Don’t get me started about THAT not being available on DVD), but not this, *sigh*.

My top 111 of all Time – # 101

I’m a big fan of profanity. Use it every day. Although as I’ve aged I’ve learned there’s a time and place for it. Sometimes appropriate (Berating your idiot teammate for misplaying a ball, chewing out “Butch”(I swear that’s what he said his name was)  in customer service, stubbing your toe in the middle of the night, trying to get your boss’s briefcase back at gunpoint from a guy who keeps saying “what”, etc.) and sometimes not (on the phone while riding public transportation telling “that faggot ass nigga he’d better have my motherfucking money when I get there”).

I thought I was quite inured from being shocked by such language but when I saw Sexy Beast I had to step back. The endless stream of profanity that comes out of Ben Kingsley’s mouth so intensely will make Ari Gold look like Billy Graham at times.  I never heard the word cunt mentioned that many times, even in a porno. (And I’ve seen one or two of those)

Sir Ben plays Don Logan, a mob underling sent to Spain to tell retired thief Ray Winstone that he has to go back to London to perform a job for crime boss Ian McShane (who would go onto to profane glory later himself as Al Swearingen in the HBO series Deadwood.  His character once said to another:  “Get a haircut. You look like your mother fucked a monkey”).  Don WILL not be denied.  He will berate and intimidate Winstone into going back if its the last thing he’ll ever do.

Sir Ben doesn’t so much steal this movie as he owns it. You’re riveted to him every time he comes onscreen.  I don’t want to give away too much or go into film critic prose about the character. I will say this. The movie is MUCH better than the trailer lets on.

And for the horndogs out there -When I googled “Sexy Beast” I found this on you tube.

Top 111 of all time – # 102

OK I thought I got abuse for putting SALT on the list, this one’s really going to get me grief.

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you…..Fools Rush In.

Its a rather simple tale-Boy (Matthew Perry) Meets Girl (Salma Hayek), They have sex (ONCE), she gets pregnant, they get married, he doesn’t tell his parents, she breaks up with him, they get back together and live happily ever after. It’s sappy, predictable,  and stereotypical.

Fortunately Salma Hayek is in it and the sight of her sets my drool meter on overdrive. I can’t help it.

This is Salma Hayek

This is me looking at Salma Hayek. I know, I know, predictable.

I don’t have a lot of chick flicks but this one IS in the permanent library at the Fortress of Solitude.  This also has the late Jill Clayburgh (whom I love) in it who appears in two other flicks in the 111 later on. Stay Tuned.

Let the abuse begin.