Archive for August, 2013

Live from Brooklyn! Madonna Reborn.


The 2013 MTA Video Music awards were held in Brooklyn last night.

Miley Cyrus twerking/slutting it up has the universe all aflutter apparently. Reminds me of Madonna rolling around in that wedding dress and Britney with that snake. Seems kinda quaint now doesn’t it?

Click on the pic to see it in Rodneyvision!


Ben Affleck as BATMAN?

AFFLECKBATMANLet me put my two cents in here.

I’m not the biggest Ben Affleck fan. I was not crazy about him as Daredevil. Or Jack Ryan in Sum of all Fears.  (Alec Baldwin you dropped the ball on that Franchise)

However I liked him in Chasing Amy.

And The Town

And Mallrats.

I think he ought to get the benefit of the doubt here.  I was amongst the chorus of people who hated the idea of Daniel Craig as James Bond (” The guy from Layer Cake? You have to be joking?”-Me, 2004) And Michael Keaton as Batman.

And …….. write this down people……………

I was wrong. maybe finally Warner Bros is getting it right for a change.

Batman Superman movie director Zach Synder said ““Ben provides an interesting counter-balance to Henry’s Superman. He has the acting chops to create a layered portrayal of a man who is older and wiser than Clark Kent and bears the scars of a seasoned crime fighter, but retain the charm that the world sees in billionaire Bruce Wayne, “I can’t wait to work with him.” (Daily Variety)

He could always get the boot if he doesn’t work out.