Archive for February, 2020

Oscar Snobbery



I’d like to make a comment about something that happens every year.  How the monkeydicks* who run the Oscar ceremony always leave someone of note off. This year’s notable omissions (to me anyway) were Sid Haig, Jan Michael Vincent, and Billy Drago. Of course they led off the montage with Kobe Bryant because they’re nothing if not trendy in Hollywood. At least they remembered John Witherspoon, I’ll give them that.

I don’t want to knock the agents,  costume designers, producers, etc I’ve never heard of as I’m sure their contributions were indeed valid and they should be included , but come on at least make the segment longer! Having a longer list online at the site kinda makes up for it but when I see this statement I get a little incensed -” The Academy receives hundreds of requests to include loved ones and industry colleagues in the Oscars ‘In Memoriam’ segment,” the statement read. “An executive committee representing every branch considers the list and makes selections for the telecast based on limited available time. All the submissions are included on” (

They should have a note onscreen afterwards noting that “a complete In Memoriam list is on” I understand that there’s a time limit of sorts (I was surprised that this year’s came in under 4 hours. Maybe going without a host works.) , but who does/doesn’t get included seems to be more political to me than it should.

That being said, lets have a look at an Oscar themed version of Cancel Culture :

(* idiots, jackasses, snooty twits, fools, oxygen thieves – take your pick)

A word or two about Gayle King

I’ve been conflicted about this Gayle King/Kobe question. On one hand I like Gayle, on the other, I’ve always been a Kobe hater. But the man is dead and by all accounts was living a good life harming no one. I don’t think she should have asked that question. For what? We knew it happened. And the man isn’t even in the ground yet.

And was she not paying attention to what happened to that Washington Post reporter who reprinted that article about his case right after he died? How outraged people were at that? Did she think “I’m Gayle King, I can ask anything”. And blaming the editing of the promo folk was nonsense. How long has she worked in TV? She didn’t complain about the sound bites from her interview with R.”Pee-Time” Kelly being taken out of context.

That being said, there’s no reason/justification for death threats, PERIOD. I do like a good celebrity dragging though, lets be honest. And the Gayle memes have been vicious. But I’m loathe to cancel somebody over a mistake or two. I didn’t call for cancelling Dog the Bounty Hunter and I’m not cancelling Gayle King. I’ll hold her up to ridicule, but I’ll still watch her in the morning.

And were was all this outrage from Snoop and 50 Cent when the Orange Orangutan used a Tuskegee Airmen in his SOTU speech as a prop and then gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to that Racist/Misogynist Rush Limbaugh?