Archive for the ‘ Idiots ’ Category

Today in Retail…..

The day after Xmas is usually for returns, not dealing with folks who have no idea what they’re talking about

Here are 3 of today’s winners….

1. Customer “Do you have the Bluetooth”? I’m like “What?”
“The Bluetooth!”
Turns out he wanted an earpiece so he could talk on his phone. Looked like a livery cab driver to me. 

‘Three Different types of phones?’
‘There are two types of phones iPhone and Android with different….’
(So you walk across the store to confuse me? I ask him if he has a picture of this amazing device on his phone. He pats his pockets and says he has no phone.
I walk him over to the Apple section and explain how iPhones use lightning cables and Androids use USB -C ports.
‘So you take this cable and plug this end into your iPhone and this end into the power adapter to charge it. And there’s one for Androids as well. I don’t know what 3rd kind of plug you’re talking about except Mini USB, but they don’t make phones with those anymore.’
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out…. a portable phone battery. He wanted a small one so it could fit in her purse. I take him over to the mobile section and set him up with a 5000mAh energizer battery.
‘I thought you wanted one to fit in her purse. Look how small this is compared to the one you showed me. And it’s only 19.99’
As he walked away 2 sups who overheard this exchange complimented me for dealing with him. I started to reply that I should have choked him out at the Apple section and placed his body under the table and blamed the Apple rep. Some thoughts are best kept to one’s self sometimes.

3. “I need HDMI Bluetooth. Wireless.  (Saw the confused look on my face) For Gaming. “
Me: “You’ll have to ask a blueshirt. I have no idea what you’re talking about. “

Retail Idiots

So now Facebook has a feature called “On this Day” where they reprint old posts. I have to admit I like it. It works better than that year-look-back-memories-collage nonsense. In an effort to actually post SOMETHING on here I give you an old FB post they found for me from 2014:

So some clown rolls up on me yesterday and tries to argue that there is a Mel Brooks movie called “History Of The World PART TWO”. I told him to buy a copy and I would give him the money. Then some joker who looked like he wasn’t buying shit wanted to tell me that the singer on Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” was Michael Jackson. They “used an app” to recreate his voice this fool swore

Let’s all go to the lobby, Lets all go to the….HOW MUCH?


(Note: I started this one awhile ago -Oct 2013, and just never got around to finishing it off. I figured I should stop with the lazy “Writers block” bullshit and finish)

My love for the movies is eternal, but I’m afraid my love of movie theatres is not.

I went to see the travesty that is Iron Man 3  back in May and the theater I usually go to for matinée showings didn’t have it. So I had to go to the one across the street which charged full price. Full price being $14.00.

Let me say that again – FOURTEEN DOLLARS.

And they wonder why people are buying bootlegs and illegally downloading. (it’s bad enough I remember when the first Star Trek movie came out and we were all making a big deal out of the fact that they wanted 6.50 at the theater for it. For 6.50 now its either a soda OR popcorn! )

After the 14.00 charge I was afforded the opportunity to buy some refreshments (Speaking of which why do they always run an ad for the concession stand highlighting the  popcorn, soda, and candy? Like all of a sudden people are going to realize “OH NO! I forgot snacks! Stop the movie! I’ll be right back!”)  For $11.00 I could get a small bag of popcorn (which wouldn’t last through the armada of trailers before the movie) which I could season with some butter flavored motor oil and a medium soda.

I hate the fact that they push these “packages” on you.

Now a couple of theater chains have come out with rewards/loyalty programs to keep you coming back. What kills me is they have the nerve to charge you for it. The AMC “Stubs” program charges $12 a year to join. Spend $100 and you get $10 in “Stubs rewards” you can use to buy concessions.  Free upgrade to a larger size popcorn and soda each time you make a purchase AND this nonsense –


I don’t get it.  “Online ticket stub collection” ? But then again I list some of my favorites on my Facebook  page so it kind of makes sense.  (and yes I know I need to finish my top 111 of all time series)  I mean if really want to look at my ticket stub collection all I have to do is look at these  from my ‘Stub Cup”-


Not a Chick Flick in the bunch LOL

Now I really should put them in a book. If you’re gonna be a hoarder, be organized about it.

Anyway, back to my bitching.

Why pay such exorbitant prices when the DVD/Blu-Ray will cost about the same or if you’re only curious about the flick  it will be on cable within 6 months? It depends on how fervent a movie goer you are I suppose. And we all know SOMEBODY who uploads flicks via the net so there’s another reason people use to not go. “Dude I just uploaded the new Stallone/Kate Blanchet flick, you want a copy?”


Guess who’s back?


Give me a day or two and I’ll get back on track.

Until then here’s a convo I had with DS a few months back:

Him: “Yo I met this girl at work she’s 5-12!”

Me: “What?”

Him: “She’s 5-12 she’s taller than me. Me, I’m 5-9. She’s 5 feet plus 12 inches. She’s 5-12.”

Me: “5-9 is your IQ you idiot.  12 inches make a foot right?”

Him: “Yeah.”

Me: “So 5 feet plus twelve inches is SIX feet. Not five feet twelve inches!  Think about it. Seriously, how do you cross the street on your own?”

Him: “Oh yeah. Six feet hehehe”

Conversation Of The Day at Work pt 2

I watched with amazement as some upper east side habitue crawled out of his rent controlled hole and peppered a Best Buy employee with questions about the store’s classical music section

She turned to me and asked: ” What’s a turntable?”

Me: “You see the Vinyl section? That’s what you play then on.”

BBY employee : “oh.”

I swear he reminded me of this guy:

George Lucas: Hypocrite

Sorry Gang-I know I’ve been away but this job is kicking my ass. I know the blogasphere is over run with fanboys expressing their out rage about George Lucas’s re-re-re tinkering with their beloved Star Wars trilogy when it comes out on Blu-Ray.  Let me join the tar-and-feather party.

I found this on another blog -I Watch Stuff  ( and find it incredible the arrogance of this pompous ass who no longer cares what anyone else thinks. Kinda like David Chase, that Jackass who created and fucked up The Sopranos.  I was kinda upset about the whole Greedo-shoots-first-nonsense, but this takes the cake (Cue Melissa ONeal chiming in and recalling some hypocrisy of my own)

Read this article on Save Star Wars, I could not say it better myself.

Something doesn’t seem right

about buying a pregnancy test from the 99 cent store.

2010 Rodney Awards

It’s been awhile since I’ve done this. And since I have a permanent venue for them here on the blog let’s get started shall we?

GO SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE award * (*Formerly the Toni Prince Go SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE award but since she dissed me and Clinton Green on the deuce earlier this year, I’m removing her name.)

And the nominees are – Oh who am I kidding? White Oprah** and the King of the Photo Ops, Michael Lohan. These two sniping idiots raise the bar of family dysfunction every time they open their mouths.

Runners Up- Spencer Pratt (Heidi and her giant fake breasts are always welcome), Tila Tequila (so annoying she can’t be hot).

You know what? I’m gonna change this to the GO AWAY award.

(**Stolen from Micheal Kay @ Bookmark it. Or else I’m sending Micheal Lohan to your house. )

SONG OF THE YEAR- Bad Romance by Lady GaGa.

I don’t really have a choice as this is STILL running on a endless loop in my head.

OK I could have picked a better picture, But I found this intriguing.

Cut and paste this into the address bar if you HAVEN”T seen this  video yet-


Monica Crowley-I understand that’s she’s a pundit on FOX news and to them Obama is the DEVIL incarnate. But for God’s sake can’t you even say ANYTHING nice about the president? Even Pat Buchanan who appears with her on the McLaughlin Group and is about as right wing as they come, can squeeze out a compliment.


There's something about her I can't quite put my finger on....

Maybe its the tats?

I'll figure it out eventually.....


Charlie Sheen aka Mr self destruction. My guess is that he’s gonna buy it in spectacular fashion by driving off a cliff in a Ferrari while getting head from a Porn Star hooker with a crack pipe in one hand and a bottle of Jack in the other. And screaming “Look Ma! No hands!” Actually I’d rather he dial it back on the rowdy behavior and be a good father to his kids and keep telling Alan what an idiot he is on Two and a half Men because I think he’s talented and I hate to see someone throw it all away like that. But I have to hedge my bet so in case he does go out like I predicted I can claim to be psychic. 


Sofia Vergara. Why? Why not?! Sure you would have thought it would be Lady GaGa as much as I’ve mentioned her this year, oh Hell let’s give her an award of her own-


"Hey Jerry Manuel, I have a message for you from Willie randolph"

And to think this is low key for her.

You KNOW A-Rod was peeping this from the dugout.


Probably pledging allegiance to his penis

How do you cheat on this woman......

with THIS broad? Even I'M going eeeewwww.........


Mexican TV reporter Ines Sainz.  This woman went into The New Jersey Jets locker room dressed in an outfit similar to this one and claimed she was harassed. Seriously? You expect pro athletes in a locker room in this day and age to act like respectful gentlemen? That’s like me going backstage at the Victoria’s secret show and surprised that my drooling and leering at the models would offend them. Or how bout this – walking into the tiger cage at the Bronx Zoo wearing Lady GaGa’s meat dress and and wondering why you get mauled.

P.S. I get the feeling I met her once. Maybe Jim Monroe introduced us. Jim knows some Brain Surgeons I’ll give him that.


All you idiots who follow this self absorbed airhead’s every move –

Oh wait a minute…… I’m one of you. Er, ah, never mind……. (Kim …. call me!)


Sure there’s more refined fare like The Social Network , Inception, and The King’s Speech. But this is my choice. Dissenting opinions will be gladly heard and ignored.

Runner-up:Jackass 3-D.


Mrs Dash Table Blend. I put it on everything. Except Ice Cream. Even I’m not that silly.


I’ve seen the horror that is Black Friday and kicked its ass

"Talladega Nights for $1.99?!! Get outta my way!"

I was not really planning to go out on this dreaded day. But since the Daily News and Post are jam packed with 8 essential vitamins and shopping circulars, how could I resist?  I pretty much have the bachelor basics right now at the house so there’s not a whole lot I’m wanting for.

Of course to listen to my friends, you’d think I was some kind of dinosaur. I have yet to get a smartphone. Partly because I don’t want to spend the money. Partly because I like being able to give Sprint the finger every time they dare call me and try to get me to renew my contract. But mostly because I’m afraid of the damned thing becoming obsolete 5 minutes after I buy it.

And then there’s the TV.

I bought a 46″ TV and immediately after putting it up got grief because I did not run out and get an HD box.  Like I was rubbing two sticks together to start a fire in my kitchen to cook or something. Anyway now every time this thing freezes up or skips ahead while being paused or pixelates for 30 seconds I curse the names of my buddies Kiko, Vine, and that I-don’t-know-shit-but-I-gotta-jump-on-the-bandwagon-and-be-a-pain-in-the-ass-too Amby.

Now the new thing is why don’t I have a Blu-Ray player. As you may know I worked in the video industry for quite a number of years and have seen formats come and go. Blu-Ray is going to be around for quite sometime, at least until they figure out a way to improve bandwidths, download speeds and make memory storage really cheap.  (I know, I know I haven’t gotten into the whole Black Friday thing yet. Bear with me this is a rant after all) I’m not jumping into it until the prices of new discs come down.  I’m not running around and trying to replace my entire movie collection all over again.  A friend of mine keeps repeating this mantra-“Why don’t you buy a PS3? You can play your DVD’s and games on it!” First off its 300 bucks. Since I’m on involuntary hiatus from the workforce I’d rather pay the rent and criminals from Time Warner and ConEd first.  Secondly I don’t play with my PS2 enough. Why spend 300 bucks  to get a machine that will as Jaime describes my PS2 “Looks like a CSI crime scene when you pick up the memory cards and controllers there’s so much dust on it!” And there’s no guarantee the old PS2 games will even play on a PS3.  Some models will play games others won’t. Unfortunately the ones that will are older and hard to find. And I ain’t buying anything off eBay before you even go there!

Anyway I was talking to my cousin Thomasina about my successful Thanksgiving Turkey whilst perusing the Target circular and saw that they had a 2 terabyte external hard drive on sale for 69.99. 50% off! Since my current  external drive is nearly full of family/friends pics, music and por….er, ah, documentaries, I’ve been obsessing about a new one.  And since it was only available in stores (I checked Jimi!) I had no choice but to brave the savageland that is Target 225th st. That place is nuts on the weekend anyway, never mind a holiday shopping weekend.  Having worked on the retail frontlines and surviving many Black Fridays I knew the key was to stay focused on what I wanted and not let myself get distracted from the mission at hand.

I got there about 11:15 am and noticed the cops outside along with the barricades. My Spidersense tingled a little as I approached the entrance and immediately upon entering regretted not bring my camera. At the front of the store where the shopping carts usually are there where two huge pallets filled with one of the Black Friday specials-$1.49 Bath Towels.  It was like the fucking Fall of Saigon around those pallets.  I risked losing my hand and reached into Rugby scrum of old Hispanic women (those viejas are no joke!) to cop one of the towels. It was a little rough. But I’m sure with a some fabric softener, the texture would improve. Since I’ve got more towels than I need, I put it back and got back to the mission at hand.

As I turned around I was confronted with a  traffic jam of people with carts trying to go eight different directions at once.  Many of whom were a species I hate more than conservative republicans and obnoxious Met fans- idiots just standing in the middle of chaos either staring off into space or obliviously talking on the phone. Having seen this on a daily basis walking to work through Times Square I thought about using the old Jedi mind trick to get through. (Waves hand: “You WANT to go this way And YOU want to go that way”) until I realized these people have no minds and it was a waste of time.  So I waded into the lemmings scruffling along like Zombies.

I shuffled along and within two minutes went off mission. There was a $5.00 gift display in the Men’s section! Ooh,a gadget bag! An iPhone accessory set! A remote control holder! A grooming….NO! I WILL NOT BE DISTRACTED! I got back on track only to see a display of $1.99 DVD’s most of which I had. However I did spy Will Ferrell’s Talladega Nights and thought “oh hell why not?$1.99?” and grabbed one. No sooner than I did that I saw another cardboard display rack (and for some reason thought of my old Virgin VP Stephen Hamilton looking at it and shaking his head in disapproval. Virgin did NOT do cardboard standees. Strange the things that pop into your head sometimes.) Anyway I grabbed a 12.99 Big Bang Theory 3rd Season DVD off it and suddenly everyone around me started to chant “spend..must spend…”.

I shook off this delusion and once again set back to the task at hand. As I  got to the electronics section I noticed it was blocked off with barricades and I would have to walk around like Lewis and Clark until I found the entrance to the line. I waded through the Zombies and it took all my superpowers to resist some of those specials ( “You don’t need that you have a vacuum!” My inner voice was working overtime.) I got to the entrance and saw how out of it some of the employees were.  They were listlessly standing there when a guy whom I ‘m assuming was a supervisor barked at them to ask people what it was they wanted.  These drones are standing around with their head up their butts and I can’t get a job?

Anyway the overseer, I mean supervisor gave this one woman a laser stare and she asked me what I was looking for. I told her external hard drive and after a brief pause (which upon reflection I’m not sure was either exhaustion or dread) told me to follow her.  She walked me to a rolling cage where there was an employee guarding the treasure. Western Digital 2 TB external hard drives.  She held it up and I said “That’s it!”. I reached up to take it and she pulled it back. I had two choices : I could either buy it there in the department on the 30 person deep line or buy it at the front of the store.  I much to her dismay chose the latter as she would have to accompany me and the drive to the cashier.  We lucked out as she saw a small line at the second checkout we saw. We got on the line behind some guy buying sweatshirts and tighty whitie  underwear. As she passed the drive the cashier asked her what time she got in.  The woman replied “3:30 AM. They got me working 3:30 to 3:30 today and 4AM to 2 PM Sunday. 12 Hours today and 10 Sunday.  I swear if they try to do that to me next year I’m gonna have kill someone.” I told her I’d chip in for bail money if that happened and got a chuckle out of her.

I proudly bought my purchase home and called my cousin Thomasina to let her know I made it home alone safe and sound. Then I realized something. That copy of Talladega Nights? It’s  a Fullscreen copy! Pan and Scan? OH hell no! That’s like going to buy Chocolate milk and realizing its skim milk inside the bag when you get home.

I kinda feel like James Tiberius Kirk right now –

Wish me luck on my return trip Saturday.

Why can’t they get Superhero movies right?

WARNING: The following is a complete fanboy-living-in-his parent’s basement style rant. Although my parents are deceased and I live in an apartment by myself, well you get the idea. Or you don’t. You’ve been warned.

Why is it that the geniuses in Tinseltown feel they need to rewrite the mythology (or back-story if you will) of superheroes? This is something that’s bothered me for awhile, and I’m sure there are those that have expounded upon this before but I feel the need to run my yap about it. I got started when I saw an article about this on the web-

The article described how ” Captain America’s original comic-book costume — bold colors, flimsy material, a mask with weird little wings — was never going to fly with Joe Johnston. ”You can’t really take him seriously in his flag pajamas,” says the director.”

Oh Really? Seems to work in the comic just fine!

Here is the Original “Cap” Look:

Now mind you I’ll give a little on the suit as the drawn comic musculature NEVER comes out right when translated to film. (Remember George Clooney as Batman with Nipples?)

Now in the EW article they say that ” In the movie, Steve Rogers wears those ”pajamas” during a sequence in which he serves his country — much to his chagrin — as a USO propaganda puppet….. When he finally gets fighting, Cap is first content to just toss on a thick leather jacket, but he quickly turns to Howard Stark (Iron Man’s father, played by Dominic Cooper) to design a sensible ensemble made of sophisticated fabrics. Up close, it resembles a tricked-out airman’s jumpsuit. The ”A” on the helmet and star on the chest are modest in size, the colors muted. The accessories are modified versions of ’40s-era G.I. Joe stuff: leather gloves, boots, and belt.”

Sounds to me like they might go with  the “Ultimate** ”  Cap look :

Now I can settle for this look I mean he’s gotta have a mask for god’s sake.  (**Ultimate -You can either look at this as an alternative narrative to the existing Marvel Universe mythology or Marvel’s way of rewriting stuff to make more money off series and merchandise.  Take your pick.)

As long as they don’t go this route :

All is forgiven Reb Brown.

Now I can understand some changes for aesthetic reasons (except for those Clooney Nipples), but don’t stray TOO far.  I could go on disseminating flicks like  the Superman, Hulk, and Spiderman movies and wail on about how they stray but why beat a dead horse? But I will say this:  I can’t be the only one who sat through Tim Burton’s Batman and  said “Really? The Joker killed Batman’s parents? When the fuck did that happen?” And don’t get me started on X-MEN 3.