Archive for September, 2011

9/11-Where were you?-My little story

I got up that morning and turned on the TV and NY1 the local news channel came on. They were reporting that a plane had hit one of the towers and showed the view from a helicopter. I sat there dumbfounded and wondered “What idiot did not see that building there?” As I continued watching TV the second tower got hit.

Oh My God What the hell is going on here? I thought. To show you how my mind works I immediately thought of the plot of Die Hard 2 where William Sadler sabotages a planes instrument system remotely and makes it crash. I naively thought for a second that there must be a glitch in air traffic control. I flipped to NBC and they started talking about the attack on the Pentagon and an analyst commented that this was no mistake it was a terrorist attack. I really felt like a simpleton.

It occurred to me that I should call into work and tell them I’m not coming in.

I called in and got in touch with the acting store manager Dan Craig. I told him I wasn’t coming in and he remarked that a lot of people were calling out. He said it in a tone which made me think he didn’t really understand the enormity of what was going on.  I found out later that the cops came into the store and told him to shut it down or else he’d be arrested.

As I continued watching the house phone rang. It was my mother.

“Are you all right?”

“Of course I’m all right, I’m at home.” I said rather annoyed. Shame on me for being like that.

“Well I thought you might have been down there.”

“For what Mom? We don’t have a store down there.”

“Well I was just worried.”

“I’m fine Mom.”

“You’re not going to work are you?”

“No no no no.”

As I was transfixed to the TV I saw the first tower collapse.

George Lucas: Hypocrite

Sorry Gang-I know I’ve been away but this job is kicking my ass. I know the blogasphere is over run with fanboys expressing their out rage about George Lucas’s re-re-re tinkering with their beloved Star Wars trilogy when it comes out on Blu-Ray.  Let me join the tar-and-feather party.

I found this on another blog -I Watch Stuff  ( and find it incredible the arrogance of this pompous ass who no longer cares what anyone else thinks. Kinda like David Chase, that Jackass who created and fucked up The Sopranos.  I was kinda upset about the whole Greedo-shoots-first-nonsense, but this takes the cake (Cue Melissa ONeal chiming in and recalling some hypocrisy of my own)

Read this article on Save Star Wars, I could not say it better myself.