Archive for June, 2010

What I hate about Facebook

This is really nitpicking but its annoying the shit out of me and since I called this blog Rodneyrants, I’m gonna do just that and rail on against something that’s been getting on my nerves.

There’s this feature on facebook which encourages you to “reconnect” and “share the news” with your FB buddies.  However sometimes it gets ridiculous. For example :

Click on the picture and look at the rectangle on the right....

Click on the picture and zoom in on the rectangle on the right. See that guy? That’s my boy Renso.  What’s my problem with him? Nothing. He’s a righteous dude and one cool ass cat. But why would I “reconnect” with someone who I see every fucking day on my block? This happens with quite a few people I know.

Now I understand there’s no way for Facebook to know that, but that doesn’t make it any less annoying. Now mind you I have more important things on my plate like getting  a job, getting in shape and staying alive long enough to vote against Sarah Palin should she ever get nominated for President.  But I had to get that off my chest and also write something new that doesn’t involve Lady GaGa’s insane ass.

I am SO getting one of these LOL!

The question is do I wait for my Birthday or get one now?


Disaster in the making

Oh the shame of it! – Lady GaGa is growing on me.

My Love/Hate relationship with Lady GaGa is turning warm and cuddly and I don’t like it.

My post the other day about Lady GaGa acting a fool at Citi Field left me thinking “How in the hell is she gonna top this?”

Well last Friday night June 18th she  did.  She drove her free publicity train to Yankee Stadium. That paragon of journalism the New York Post reported : ” Gaga, drinking Jameson Irish Whiskey, was wearing a Yankees jersey half-unbuttoned, exposing her black bra, fishnet stockings and a bikini bottom.”

I know it looks like beer, but I like the idea that that cup is all Whiskey.

She behaved for the most part, but then again Yankees fans have to suffer through the grounds crew doing their ” YMCA” routine every game., so her flipping them off would be a welcome change.

Part of me is disappointed that she wasted the bedazzled bra and panties on Met Fans

You KNOW A-Rod was peeping this from the dugout.

You KNOW A-Rod was peeping this from the dugout.

After the game Lady Gaga and two girlfriends talked their way into the clubhouse and met some players including A-Rod and Robinson Cano. For some reason I feel she’s lucky Melky Cabrera is in Atlanta these days. (“Diablo! Que Puta!”) The Post also said  she ” didn’t think that was enough to catch the players’ eyes, so she kept groping her chest over her jersey.”

Team chairman Hal Steinbrenner “informed Yankee Stadium executives that Lady Gaga is permanently banned from the team’s clubhouse after her boozy antics.”

Meanwhile Announcers Michael Kay (who I can’t stand),  and John Sterling who my friend Paul Herzman proclaimed ” is the dumbest human being on the face of the earth”  continue to assault the senses of Yankee fans everywhere.

Meet my new wall paper –

Melky Cabera woulda been ALL OVER this.

They need to remake Breakfast At Tiffany’s

I read an article in the New York Post yesterday about the making of Breakfast at Tiffany’s. Now this is not exactly my usual type of movie, No guns, no shootouts, no breasts, no explosions, no Lee Marvin, … well you get the idea.  Anyway I have a soft spot in my heart for movies that take place in NYC during the 60’s and 70’s.  And this happens to be one of them.  The aforementioned article was a review of Sam Wasson’s book Fifth Avenue 5 AMAudrey Hepburn, ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s,’ and the Dawn of the Modern Woman (Harper Studio $19.99).

After reading this article I never knew how scrubbed down this flick was from Truman Capote’s original novel.  Those of you who have the fortune (or misfortune depending on your view) to know me have probably heard my many rants on how Hollywood almost never translates books into movies properly.

For example : The film version of   2010 , the sequel to the confusing 2001: A Space Odyssey threw out a whole subplot about the Chinese space mission and what happens on that moon where we see the monolith at the end.  Maybe the filmmakers (that’s right Peter Hyams I’m calling you out) figured no one understood the first movie, why should they understand the second? And for the record 2001 the movie was very faithful to the book.  You had no idea what the fuck happened at the end of either.  2010 the book explains everything from HAL’s freakout to what happened to Dave Bowman.

Silence of the Lambs barely strayed from the book  it seemed to me, with one slight exception. That phone call Lector makes at the end of the film to Starling was in the print version, a letter. He pretty much says the same stuff but makes an reference to Barney the orderly, a character who got gypped in the screen adaptation of Hannibal. Gypped of screen time and importance. And they threw out the whole Lesbian sister subplot and changed the ending. That whole sitting on plane eating cow brains nonsense was rubbish.

But I digress from Breakfast. Apparently in the book Audrey Hepburn’s character was a hooker and George Peppard’s was a homosexual “kept”  by an older woman.  Hepburn would not play a prostitute (and neither would Marilyn Monroe who was apparently in the running for the role before Hepburn). The hooker trait of course went right out the window, as did Peppard’s character Paul Varjak, being a homosexual. So did the books downer ending. This was a Hollywood picture after all.

I think a real adaptation of the book  would be the perfect comeback vehicle for Lindsay Lohan. Think Requiem for a Dream meets Risky Business. Provided of course she doesn’t come out with a sex tape before that.

I liked the A-Team movie. And I’m not ashamed.

It’s not as if I expected a lot of explosions, gunfights, and CGI. (Wait a minute  – I did!) Lou Luminick of The New York Post gave it 2 stars. I say three. (Its definitely better than THE LOSERS.  I had such high hopes for that flick.) I want to say I hated it but I can’t. It stays pretty faithful to the source material and actually goes a little deeper on the origin side without having that take over half the movie as some TV ripoffs/Comicbook adaptations do.

Liam Neeson does a commendable job as Hannibal although he’s not as sarcastic as  George Peppard was.  Bradley Cooper was great as Face. Rampage tried to be Mr. T but wasn’t anywhere near as colorful.  He was just as mean though. I’m so glad they didn’t follow through with the original casting choice (as was rumored) of Ice Cube. And  Sharlto Copley (from District 9 ) I thought underplayed Murdock. Oh he was crazy, no doubt about that.  I just expected him to play around with hand puppets more. LOL.  Jessica Biel as the team’s Army pursuer was a step up from Lance LeGault’s Colonel Decker in the TV series.  And I like the little cameo at the end from… oh you’ll have to see it to find out.

WTF is wrong with Lady GaGa?

The Toni Prince* “He/She needs to go sit down somewhere” award of the day goes to Lady Gaga for her recent antics here in NYC.

First she goes to her sister’s graduation dressed like a lampshade –

And to think this is low key for her.

And then she goes to Shea-oops I mean Citi Field to see the Mutts game. Why she decided to dress like a member of my harem, I have no idea.

She didn't ride the 7 train wearing that getup

Apparently she got pissed because she scored seats right behind home plate and didn’t want the photogs snapping pictures of her. So they moved her to Jerry Seinfeld’s luxury box (which I’m betting he’s having disinfected as we speak).

"What do you mean I have to use the public restroom?"

And our course she made nice with everyone around her in typical New York fashion –

"Hellooooo everyone! "

"Hey Jerry Manuel, I have a message for you from Willie Randolph"

She’s definitely gonna be in the running for the gold in the Act-A-Fool Olympics.

UPDATE : (June 22nd) The New York Post reports that Jerry Seinfeld told WFAN radio –

“You give people the finger and you get upgraded? Is that the world we’re living in now? he said.

In his trademark stand-up schtick, Seinfeld added, “Why is she giving the finger? How old is the finger? How’d it even get to be the finger?”

By the time fans and photographers spotted her, she had shed her coat to reveal bedazzled undies that looked like the get-up she wore in the video for her single “Telephone.”

When host Steve Somers brought up the episode, Seinfeld at first said, “I wish her the best,” but then added, “you take one ‘A’ off of that and you’ve got gag.”

“I don’t know what these young people think or how they promote their careers,” he said. “I’m older, I’m 56. I look at Lady Gaga the way Keith Hernandez watches these kids when they pull the pocket out, they wear the inside-out pocket. … Do you think he understands that? He can’t understand that. That’s a new game, that’s kids.”

He added, “I’m not one of these all-publicity-is-good people. People talk about you need exposure — you could die of exposure.”

“She is talented,” admitted Seinfeld. “I don’t know why she’s doing this stuff.”

How about free publicity? The Tabloids and idiots like me ate this stupidity up.

Another sign I’ve been uptown too long –

So I’m on the bus and this guy-I mean hick (that’s right I said it) is standing in the rear exit while the message comes over the loudspeaker “Please step away from the doors” AGAIN & AGAIN while reading El Diario (I looked over his shoulder-Shoot me.) The bus stops at the next stop and the Bus Driver gets on the intercom and asks that anyone in the rear exit move away from the door.

Joselito* proceeds to stand there and keep reading his paper like he doesn’t hear/understand. The rear door is open and letting out all the air conditioning and I’m thinking OK maybe he doesn’t understand, maybe one these Doñas** staring at him is gonna say something.

Not a peep. Crickets.

After what seems like an Eternity (about a minute) staring at the back of his head I yell “OYE!” and Joselito without turning around takes a step to the left and moves out of the exit.  The driver closes the doors and we’re on our way.

* Or whatever his name was – I stole this wisecrack from Henry

**Doña – elder woman, lady [do’-nyah]

Let’s get physical aka now nobody has an excuse

It’s finally happened. The King -NO- Emperor of the couch potatoes has finally hit the gym. It’s been about two weeks of just about every other day trots on the treadmill. I have not hit the weights just yet.  I was compelled to get started after a lecture by my 90 yr old Doctor.  Doctor Ward is an Uptown legend , having practiced medicine for 50 years. So I kinda think he knows what he’s talking about.

“You gotta lose this doc” he said while pinching afoot of fat from my midsection

“But I’ve been going to the gym doc !” I replied (lying my ass off)

“Ya gotta stop this” – And he pointed to his mouth and made a zip it motion.

Now I had previously made some concessions to my health – changing my diet, cutting out late night snacks, cutting back on the alcohol -but the thought of lying to this man really got to me. How fucking sad are you? my inner voice said. Mind you this is the same inner voice that has carried me through many nights of mayhem in Vegas and other shenanigans which shall go unrepeated.

“Go ahead have another, what’s 10 Jack and Cokes?”

“I wonder how this nacho cheese dip will taste on that Bacon Double Cheeseburger?”

“There’s not enough butter on these Chicken Wings”

You get the idea.  I concluded no matter how much fish, chicken and rabbit food I ate, I was not going to improve my health without exercise. That and the young bucks on my block had challenged the OG’s on the block to a softball game.  So I after previously making a couple of half-hearted attempts, I started going the gym I joined last year and made MANY excuses not to go to. I’ve been doing a half hour a day on the treadmill, slowly building up the pace each day. The last couple of visits I’ve tried the elliptical machine, something I’m sure Satan uses downstairs along with the pitchfork. It’s going to take awhile before I’m rocking the Red Speedos again but as I said to someone last week, “Rome wasn’t built in a day.”

This is how I imagine myself while in the gym

What I probably look like in the gym