Archive for the ‘ Television ’ Category

2010 Rodney Awards

It’s been awhile since I’ve done this. And since I have a permanent venue for them here on the blog let’s get started shall we?

GO SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE award * (*Formerly the Toni Prince Go SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE award but since she dissed me and Clinton Green on the deuce earlier this year, I’m removing her name.)

And the nominees are – Oh who am I kidding? White Oprah** and the King of the Photo Ops, Michael Lohan. These two sniping idiots raise the bar of family dysfunction every time they open their mouths.

Runners Up- Spencer Pratt (Heidi and her giant fake breasts are always welcome), Tila Tequila (so annoying she can’t be hot).

You know what? I’m gonna change this to the GO AWAY award.

(**Stolen from Micheal Kay @ Bookmark it. Or else I’m sending Micheal Lohan to your house. )

SONG OF THE YEAR- Bad Romance by Lady GaGa.

I don’t really have a choice as this is STILL running on a endless loop in my head.

OK I could have picked a better picture, But I found this intriguing.

Cut and paste this into the address bar if you HAVEN”T seen this  video yet-


Monica Crowley-I understand that’s she’s a pundit on FOX news and to them Obama is the DEVIL incarnate. But for God’s sake can’t you even say ANYTHING nice about the president? Even Pat Buchanan who appears with her on the McLaughlin Group and is about as right wing as they come, can squeeze out a compliment.


There's something about her I can't quite put my finger on....

Maybe its the tats?

I'll figure it out eventually.....


Charlie Sheen aka Mr self destruction. My guess is that he’s gonna buy it in spectacular fashion by driving off a cliff in a Ferrari while getting head from a Porn Star hooker with a crack pipe in one hand and a bottle of Jack in the other. And screaming “Look Ma! No hands!” Actually I’d rather he dial it back on the rowdy behavior and be a good father to his kids and keep telling Alan what an idiot he is on Two and a half Men because I think he’s talented and I hate to see someone throw it all away like that. But I have to hedge my bet so in case he does go out like I predicted I can claim to be psychic. 


Sofia Vergara. Why? Why not?! Sure you would have thought it would be Lady GaGa as much as I’ve mentioned her this year, oh Hell let’s give her an award of her own-


"Hey Jerry Manuel, I have a message for you from Willie randolph"

And to think this is low key for her.

You KNOW A-Rod was peeping this from the dugout.


Probably pledging allegiance to his penis

How do you cheat on this woman......

with THIS broad? Even I'M going eeeewwww.........


Mexican TV reporter Ines Sainz.  This woman went into The New Jersey Jets locker room dressed in an outfit similar to this one and claimed she was harassed. Seriously? You expect pro athletes in a locker room in this day and age to act like respectful gentlemen? That’s like me going backstage at the Victoria’s secret show and surprised that my drooling and leering at the models would offend them. Or how bout this – walking into the tiger cage at the Bronx Zoo wearing Lady GaGa’s meat dress and and wondering why you get mauled.

P.S. I get the feeling I met her once. Maybe Jim Monroe introduced us. Jim knows some Brain Surgeons I’ll give him that.


All you idiots who follow this self absorbed airhead’s every move –

Oh wait a minute…… I’m one of you. Er, ah, never mind……. (Kim …. call me!)


Sure there’s more refined fare like The Social Network , Inception, and The King’s Speech. But this is my choice. Dissenting opinions will be gladly heard and ignored.

Runner-up:Jackass 3-D.


Mrs Dash Table Blend. I put it on everything. Except Ice Cream. Even I’m not that silly.


TV circa 1968

I came upon this when reading an article about Harry Belafonte on AMC’s Mad Men website.

Think there's nothing to watch on TV these days?

“What do you mean you don’t watch True Blood?”

I’ve had this said to me quite frequently recently. Just today my friend Ooga was amazed that I don’t watch this.  I tried to get into this,  I really did- but I could not get into it.  I have had similar conversations about Mad Men:

I love Mad Men. I’ve been watching it from the beginning.  Not a lot of my friends have been.  I stopped badgering people about Mad Men when I  realized I sounded like the folks who give me grief about True Blood.  The difference being of course that Mad Men is superior to True Blood (or so I believe-the way True Blood fans think I’m deluded by not watching their show). I’m having a similar problem with the programs on Showtime.  I’ve never seen an episode of Dexter, Weeds, Nurse Jackie or Californication (Which sounds like a remake of the old Brian Benben HBO show. Dream On). I’ve reached out to my local bootlegger Wonderbread Willie who was kind enough to hook me up with season one of Dexter so I  can see what all the fuss is about.

It’s great the way certain shows create water cooler moments the next day. (“Did you see what Tony did on the Sopranos last night? Can believe Samantha fucked that guy in the middle of Times Square on Sex and The City?) I used to think with instant info everywhere via facebook/email and the wonders of modern technology , those moments would disappear but they haven’t.  Instead of replying “No! I missed it!” one can say, “I’ll catch it on demand.”

I’m pretty selective these days about what shows I choose to fervently follow because of two shows in particular: The Class and John From Cincinnati.

Let me start with the latter. When The Sopranos went out like a sucker (don’t get me started), HBO decided to put this on after the season finale. It’s about a surfing family and the mysterious stranger who comes into their lives.  Nothing more needs to be said.  I watched this mess religiously, hoping it would pick up and become less crappy. No such luck. It lasted 10 episodes and got the boot after the season finale.  HBO passed over Mad Men to put this mess on. To think that those of us who worship the breasts of Christina Hendricks might actually have had a chance to see them on HBO. I’m shaking my head as I type this.

The Class- (Google it. There’s a great page on Wikipedia) also lasted all of one season and I loved this show.  So much so I regret not DVR’ing it thinking I could catch up in reruns.  My friend Melissa used to get on me about loving this how because like her beloved Friends it had no black people in it, and I was a hypocrite for supporting this show and deriding Friends. I didn’t care, I loved it and looked forward to seeing it on Monday nights. When it got canceled (and CBS waited until the last minute to do so)   I was heartbroken. Even more so than when the Yanks left 18,000 men on base against the Red Sox in the 2004 playoff series.

So now I approach new shows warily.

I never got into Heroes because I thought a Super Hero show would never last. I lucked out because it jumped the shark after the second season.

Lost I never got into either, but was thankful I didn’t after hearing people complaining about how confusing it had become.

Entourage I was into from day one and am happy about that.

Big Bang Theory? (Or as I like to call it The Sheldon Show) Love it.

How I met your Mother? Don’t care anymore. Ted is the most pathetic bachelor on TV. Neil Patrick Harris is the only reason to even think about watching that show. Yes I know he’s a gay guy portraying a straight playboy, but I buy into the character. At least NPH doesn’t have gossip columnists writing blind items about his “arranged” marriage (“if she stays five years its $50 million for her” , “Her ex boyfriend is the baby’s real father”,  etc.).